
seed ratio Learn more about seed ratio

  • Ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soybean

    Ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soybean

    In the seedling stage of soybean, appropriate edible nitrogen fertilizer makes the plant grow stronger, and it is generally appropriate to apply 7.5 to 10 kg of urea per mu. Spraying 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or calcium superphosphate water root at flowering stage can increase the nitrogen content of grains and significantly increase the yield.

    2020-11-09 Soybean nitrogen and phosphorus potassium ratio soybean in young seedling stage appropriate
  • Homemade organic fertilizer: what is compost? What are the benefits of composting?

    Homemade organic fertilizer: what is compost? What are the benefits of composting?

    Organic composting, composting is an ancient technology, do not need accurate calculation and advanced skills, as long as you pay attention, can not only solve the problem of waste environmental protection, but also improve soil productivity, it is worth adopting. Now let's take a look at it together. Farm pile

    2019-01-03 Homemade organic fertilizer what yes compost what are the benefits?
  • Reasonable selection of Scientific Formula of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Reasonable selection of Scientific Formula of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus ostreatus has low requirements for raw materials, and many industrial and agricultural scraps can be used as raw materials. However, whether the ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the culture material is scientific and whether the addition of other excipients is reasonable is a problem that can not be ignored in the production of Pleurotus ostreatus. At present, the bag cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus mainly uses cotton seed shell as raw material, so the quality of cotton seed shell is directly related to the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus and even whether it can be cultivated successfully. To choose fresh and high-quality cottonseed shell, if you choose moldy and deteriorated cottonseed shell, it will cause miscellaneous bacteria pollution, and even cause cultivation failure. Pesticides or other chemicals should not be added to the culture material.

  • The income ratio of urban and rural residents is expected to increase farmers' income this year.

    The income ratio of urban and rural residents is expected to increase farmers' income this year.

    Beijing, 23 Dec (Reporter Qiao Jinliang)-- the reporter learned from the national agricultural work conference held today: this year, China's agricultural and rural economy has achieved steady progress, stable quality improvement, and stable efficiency at a high starting point. In the 11th consecutive increase in grain output,

    2016-03-20 This year farmers' income will be increased by ten one by one fast urban and rural areas residents income ratio.
  • What kinds of water chestnut are there? Method for raising seedlings of water chestnut

    What kinds of water chestnut are there? Method for raising seedlings of water chestnut

    Trapa natans L. is the underground fruit of the herbaceous plant Trapa natans L., which has certain use value. It is planted in the south of China, mainly in Taihu Lake area and Pearl River Delta in the lower reaches of Yangtze River. We all know that planting water chestnut should be carried out in water, so what varieties of water chestnut are there?

    2020-11-27 water chestnut all have which variety attachment seedling method yes
  • Propagation of Taxus mairei

    Propagation of Taxus mairei

    Choose a suitable nursery to choose fertile, loose, neutral or slightly acidic soil with good drainage, preferably in woodland or semi-shaded fertile land. Apply enough base fertilizer, rake flat, and prepare the bed for planting. The seeds matured in October and were harvested in time and placed in the mixture of water and fine sand (water / sand ratio 2 ∶ 1). Rub the seeds on the washboard, remove the seed coat, and wear the hard meat seed coat. The dry land without stagnant water and digging pits were selected and stored in the pits mixed with wet river sand at the ratio of 1 ∶ 2. In March of the following year, take out the net seed and use 50 degree liquor and 40% liquor.

  • Propagation of Taxus chinensis var. mairei

    Propagation of Taxus chinensis var. mairei

    Choose a suitable nursery to choose fertile, loose, neutral or slightly acidic soil with good drainage, preferably in woodland or semi-shaded fertile land. Apply enough base fertilizer, rake flat, and prepare the bed for planting. The seeds matured in October and were harvested in time and placed in the mixture of water and fine sand (water / sand ratio 2 ∶ 1). Rub the seeds on the washboard, remove the seed coat, and wear the hard meat seed coat. The dry land without stagnant water and digging pits were selected and stored in the pits mixed with wet river sand at the ratio of 1 ∶ 2. Take it out in March of the following year

  • These tips can help you improve the germination rate of flower seeds.

    These tips can help you improve the germination rate of flower seeds.

    These tips can help you improve the germination rate of flower seeds.

  • The sowing skills of Yulu are simple and easy to learn.

    The sowing skills of Yulu are simple and easy to learn.

    If you want to sow jade dew, you must first obtain its seeds by artificial pollination, and then choose a smaller container to sow directly. The soil can mix rotten leaf soil, peat soil and vermiculite according to the ratio of 2: 2: 3.

  • Effect of different ratio of fertilization on yield of Rice

    Effect of different ratio of fertilization on yield of Rice

    The premature senescence of rice from heading to maturity will lead to poor grain filling, increase of blighted grain and decrease of yield. There are many factors leading to premature senescence in the later stage of rice growth. First, improper cultivation and management. The planting density is too high, the plant growth is weak; the early and middle stages of nitrogen fertilizer application, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and trace element fertilizer application.

  • Study on Seedling raising technique of Cinnamomum camphora with Light substrate net bag

    Study on Seedling raising technique of Cinnamomum camphora with Light substrate net bag

    Study on the technique of raising seedlings with Light substrate net bag of Cinnamomum camphora [Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl.] It is a large evergreen tree of Lauraceae. It is an excellent spice, valuable wood and street greening tree species. In recent years, it has gradually become.

  • Cultivation methods of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation methods of Gastrodia elata

    Cultivation methods of Gastrodia elata

  • How to produce the strain of Tremella fuciformis

    How to produce the strain of Tremella fuciformis

    The producing areas of Duan Tremella are Tongjiang, Sichuan, Gutian, Fujian, Changbai Mountain in Northeast China and Huangshan Mountain in old Huizhou. The traditional method of planting white fungus is to plant Tremella fuciformis in the wild from March to April, connect it to the cut-down section of raw wood, raise bacteria for 80 to 90 days, and grow out of the ear from July to August. The growth of Tremella.

  • Application proportion of Special Fertilizer in Cotton drip Irrigation Field

    Application proportion of Special Fertilizer in Cotton drip Irrigation Field

    First, the total amount of cotton fertilizer input in high latitude sub-suitable cotton areas per unit yield of seed cotton 300-380 kg, the need to put 70-80 kg of natural fertilizer, equivalent to 160-180 kg of standard fertilizer. To achieve "jin fat cotton". If you put 1 kg of standard fertilizer, you can produce 1 kg of lint. 137 regiment soil test results and cotton plant nutrition diagnosis generally lack zinc, 1-2 kg zinc fertilizer is applied in autumn, and the yield is increased by 5% and 10%. For plots rich in potassium, the application of potash fertilizer is 5-10 kg, especially

  • Planting method and time of clover

    Planting method and time of clover

    The planting time is from March to April in spring or September in autumn. Soak the seeds and germinate: mix the seeds with water and ammonium molybdate in the ratio of 5000 to 1, then soak the seeds for 12-13 hours. Choose soil: farming with pastoral soil, yellow sand and organic fertilizer at the proportion of 5:3:2.

    2020-11-08 Third leaf grass planting method and time summary
  • Seedling raising techniques of Wufu Persimmon seedlings

    Seedling raising techniques of Wufu Persimmon seedlings

    Wufu persimmon seedling raising technology Wufu persimmon, scientific name Beijing persimmon, origin of Beijing, fruit surface has five protuberances, so named Wufu persimmon. At present, there are only two Wufu persimmons left in China, one growing in Beijing and planted in Beijing's largest Tibetan Buddha.

  • The relationship between the proportion of nutrients and the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus

    The relationship between the proportion of nutrients and the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus

    The relationship between the proportion of nutrients and the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus

  • Abnormal phenomena and treatment measures in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in late spring and early summer

    Abnormal phenomena and treatment measures in the cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in late spring and early summer

    Late spring and early summer is a good season for cultivating Pleurotus ostreatus. However, due to improper operation, some mushroom farmers caused abnormal phenomena such as yellowing and necrosis after mushroom emergence, sour and smelly culture material, delayed emergence of mushrooms after mycelium grew full bag, which decreased the success rate, yield and quality, and directly affected the economic benefits. Based on years of production practice and mass experience, the author summarizes the causes of abnormal phenomena and treatment measures as follows. 1. After the mushroom bag comes out, a large number of small mushrooms die in late spring and early summer. Sometimes after the mushroom sticks produce mushrooms, a large number of small mushrooms turn yellow and soft, the base becomes thicker, and then wither and rot.

  • How to choose and buy the seeds of the rich tree? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    How to choose and buy the seeds of the rich tree? What are the methods of raising seedlings?

    The rich tree is a small evergreen tree of the kapok family, which is a very common potted tree species. Because of its name, the rich tree has become a "darling" in the eyes of families and business users. Plus getting rich and setting up a beautiful shape, it is of great ornamental value. At present, the rich tree is on me.

    2020-11-27 Get rich trees seeds how choose and buy raise seedlings methods have which
  • How to seed locust seed germination?

    How to seed locust seed germination?

    Robinia pseudoacacia seed germination method is: Robinia pseudoacacia seed coat thick and hard, through soaking can soften the seed coat, so that the seed pre-water expansion, germination is to expand the seed and wet sand according to the provisions of 3 parts of sand, 1 part of seed volume ratio mixed, placed in the sun leeward place germination To prevent the seeds from becoming sticky, turn them several times a day, and after 4 to 5 days, remove them when one-third of the seeds are open and white.
